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Ophthalmology Translations

We provide the highest quality ophthalmology translations for life science companies and professionals involved in eye diseases and research.

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As investors pump funds into R&D to develop new therapies and treatments for eye diseases, ophthalmology translations are necessary for medical professionals and companies to expand to new markets and reach patients globally. Ophthalmology is a field of medicine that diagnoses and treats eye disorders. Unlike optometry, which mainly deals with monitoring, diagnosing, and treating changes in vision and providing sight testing, ophthalmology not only diagnoses and treats changes in vision but also diagnoses and treats all eye disorders, which can involve performing surgery. Some of the more common eye diseases and disorders include:

  • Cataracts
  • Optic nerve disorders (glaucoma, optic neuritis, optic nerve atrophy, etc.)
  • Strabismus
  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
    • Wet AMD
    • Dry AMD
  • Refractive errors
    • Myopia (near-sightedness)
    • Astigmatism
    • Hyperopia (far-sightedness)
    • Presbyopia
  • Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
  • Retinal disorders (retinal detachment, retinoblastoma, etc.)

To help advance ophthalmology R&D, advocacy, and accessibility, accurate and professional ophthalmology translations are necessary. Without the high-quality globalization of health data, patients from specific populations of diverse backgrounds are excluded from research. CSOFT Health Sciences provides the highest-quality and accurate ophthalmological translation and localization solutions for international life science businesses to facilitate greater collaboration in ophthalmological research and ophthalmologic care and to increase medical device access for patients globally. We offer comprehensive medical translation coverage for those working in ophthalmology, including:


Medical Research Documentation Translations

As the demand for treatments for eye disorders grows overseas, many types of ophthalmology research, such as clinical studies, are increasingly conducted in regions where English is not the primary language. To effectively conduct medical research in an increasingly global environment, life science companies, hospitals, laboratories, and CROs conducting ophthalmological research must have highly accurate and timely translations for medical research documents such as informed consent forms. With a global network of 10,000 linguists and subject matter experts, CSOFT provides high-quality and technically accurate multilingual translation solutions for medical research documentation in the ophthalmology sector across 250+ languages, from patient information sheets and research protocols to Phase 0-IV clinical trial documentation and patient recruitment materials, as well as IEB/IRB documentation such as AEs/ARs/SAEs/SUSARs.

Learn more about our medical research documentation translation services.

Clinical Trial Translations

The need for accurate translation of clinical regulatory documents, medical documentation, and patient recruitment materials to meet regulatory compliance standards and ensure the safety and efficacy of ophthalmology treatment and disease prevention is imperative for local market access and product success. In addition, medical interpretation for patients of non-native English-speaking backgrounds for clinical trials is legally required and important in ensuring patient safety and advocacy.

CSOFT provides end-to-end medical communication solutions for pharmaceutical, CROs, and other life science companies involved in ophthalmology medication and ophthalmology devices research and development that want to conduct their clinical trials overseas. With an extensive network of subject matter experts, and advanced language technology, CSOFT facilitates global product market success for life science companies involved in ophthalmological R&D.

Learn more about our clinical trial translation solutions.

Scientifically accurate ophthalmology translations

Medical Device Translations

Medical devices are critical to diagnose and treat eye diseases and disorders commonly addressed in ophthalmology. Also known as ophthalmic devices, the range of medical devices used in ophthalmology is diverse, including eye plasters, corrective glasses and frames, corneal implants, contact lenses, surgical lasers, and intraocular lenses, and spans the entire classification from Class I to Class III medical devices. As the demand for ophthalmic medical devices increases worldwide, high-quality and accurately translated medical device components such as instructions for use (IFU) and package inserts and labels are vital for gaining regulatory compliance to sell the devices in foreign markets. With an extensive network of subject matter experts and a global network of 10,000 in-country native linguists, CSOFT can offer highly accurate and timely multilingual translation and localization solutions for medical devices such as medical documentation translation, software translation and localization, and e-Learning in 250+ languages.

Learn more about our medical device translation and localization services.


Complete Translation Coverage for Extensive Range of Therapeutic Areas

As well as ophthalmology translations, CSOFT’s medical translation and localization coverage expands across a full range of clients, therapeutic areas, and treatment settings. Whether you are a hospital seeking medical communication support in related areas such as rare disease translationspediatrics translationsgenetic disease translationsgeriatrics translationsmen’s health translations, or women’s health translations, or a research organization recruiting patients for clinical trials, CSOFT’s end-to-end localization support covers an extensive range of conditions and therapies across disciplines. 

Learn more about our comprehensive coverage for therapeutic areas.

Data Security

With over 20 years of experience in medical translation, CSOFT Health Sciences understands the importance of data security to our clients, and we take nothing for granted when confidentiality is a concern. Our well-documented and fully traceable information data security policies, checklists, and quality records leverage the best practices of ISO 27001. They are designed to protect everything from source data to translations. From our 24/7/365 data monitoring and advanced encryption to our access control measures, you can be sure that your project data is safe from start to finish.

Learn more about how CSOFT prioritizes data security.

Quality Assurance

CSOFT Health Sciences has developed a process for quality assurance to ensure that every medical translation project meets quality standards in a cost-effective and timely manner. We are certified in ISO 17100:2015, ISO 9001:2015, and ISO 13485:2016 to ensure our customized solutions meet global regulatory requirements. Our subject matter expert linguists have at least seven years of experience and work with in-country reviewers and project style guides to meet industry standards.  CSOFT offers an online translation management ecosystem for one central location to leverage real-time translation memory and terminology management through our innovative cloud-based technology. Every step of the way, CSOFT has you covered.

Learn more about our quality assurance process.


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