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Providing accurate and high-quality oncology translations and medical communication solutions for oncological diseases and treatments.

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Oncology translations help patients, medical professionals, and health science companies best address topics in oncology across languages. Oncology is a healthcare area that focuses on diagnosing and treating cancer. It’s estimated that two million new cancer diagnoses will be given in the United States over the course of a calendar year, with that number only expected to increase as the population grows and continued quality-of-life improvements ensure that patients live longer lives. As such, oncology treatments are as, if not more, crucial to our collective well-being as they once were.

  • Lung Cancer
  • Breast Cancer
  • Testicular Cancer
  • Colorectal Cancer
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Skin Cancer
  • Stomach Cancer
  • Liver Cancer
  • Leukemia
  • Cervical and Ovarian Cancer

To effectively promote oncology R&D and global treatment accessibility, high-quality, accurate, and professional oncology translations and localization are  vital and can be transformative for the well-being of everyone in any community worldwide. Without properly localized and translated oncological drug therapies and medical devices, some populations may be unable to benefit from new treatments. Working with CSOFT Health Sciences will provide the highest quality and most precise medical communication solutions for international life science and medical businesses, facilitating increased global treatment access, research collaboration, and patient engagement.

Translation for Clinical Trials

Novel drug therapies are a major aspect of modern cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy, not only in the United States but also around the globe. However, before going to market, clinical trials must be conducted to ensure drug safety and efficacy. In recent years, more and more clinical trials have been held across countries with multiple language needs or among patients with limited English proficiency (LEP) within the US. For pharmaceutical and CRO companies conducting oncology clinical trials, high-quality and accurate translation and localization of clinical trial materials such as clinical study protocol translationspatient diaries translations, and trial close-out monitoring report translations are vital to meeting trial endpoints and bringing novel therapies to patients worldwide.

CSOFT Health Sciences offers high-quality and accurate translation for all types of clinical trial documentation. With a global network of 10,000 in-country native linguists, CSOFT can deliver timely, cost-effective translation and localization solutions for all stages of clinical trials.

Learn more about our clinical trial translations.

Regulatory Expertise

To facilitate the globalization of oncology pharmaceuticals and other novel oncological research, an in-depth knowledge and understanding of local regulatory laws is essential for successfully introducing biopharmaceuticals, medical devices, and cancer treatments. As markets and the regulatory bodies that supervise them continuously evolve, staying up-to-date with adapting regulatory submission documents is a critical way life science companies can save both time and money. CSOFT Health Sciences provides customized regulatory consulting services for life science companies looking to expand their service or product’s reach within countries under the NMPA, FDA, EMA, or elsewhere.

Learn more about our regulatory consulting services.

Certifying oncology translation for global markets

Quality Assurance

CSOFT Health Sciences has developed a process for quality assurance to ensure that every medical translation project meets quality standards in a cost-effective and timely manner. We are certified in ISO 17100:2015, ISO 9001:2015, and ISO 13485:2016 to ensure our customized solutions meet global regulatory requirements. Our subject matter expert linguists have at least seven years of experience and work with in-country reviewers and project style guides to meet industry standards.  CSOFT offers an online translation management ecosystem for one central location to leverage real-time translation memory and terminology management through our innovative cloud-based technology. Every step of the way, CSOFT has you covered.

Learn more about our quality assurance process.

Data Security

With over 20 years of experience in medical translation, CSOFT Health Sciences understands the importance of data security to our clients, and we take nothing for granted when confidentiality is a concern. Our well-documented and fully traceable information data security policies, checklists, and quality records leverage the best practices of ISO 27001. They are designed to protect everything from source data to translations. From our 24/7/365 data monitoring and advanced encryption to our access control measures, you can be sure that your project data is safe from start to finish.

Learn more about how CSOFT prioritizes data security.


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